Size: 80mm x 30mm x 16mm
Weight: 37 g
Connector: USB Type A
Temperature Range: -40°F to 185°F or -40°C to 85°C
Humidity: 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Minimum Battery Life: 3 years, all temperature conditions
Typical Battery Life: 5+ years, -40°C to 40°C
Storage/Memory Size: 100,000 samples (e.g. 11 days at 10-second samples, 2 months at 1-minute samples)
Sample Rates: Every 10 seconds to every 18 hours
Logging Mode: Stop-When-Full or First-In-First-Out
Sample Method: Average or spot reading
Start Delay: Up to 18 hours
Alarm: High & Low Temperature thresholds, Latched or current value
Status Indicator: Flash every 10 seconds
Green = Logging
Red = Alarm or Full
Blue = Delayed Start
Clock Accuracy: +/- 2 seconds / day
Sensor Accuracy: 0°C to 70°C = +/- 0.2°C
< 0°C and >70°C = +/- 0.6°C or better
Calibration Period: 1 year
Resolution: -10°C to 50°C = 0.03°C
-35°C to -10°C = 0.1°C or better
50°C to 85°C = 0.1°C or better
Mounting: Magnetic and ring mount
Software: ACR TrendReader® Jr (compatible with Windows 7, 8 & 10)